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Jewellery Remodelling

Home/Jewellery Remodelling

Why repairing your jewellery is the ‘New Black’

Ace Jewellery reports on your potential goldmine. It can't have escaped your attention in the news that the rising price of gold has been a major talking point for a number of years now. The good news for you however, is that the rise in gold prices represents an amazing opportunity! An increasingly popular trend we're seeing in our showroom in Leeds right now is the simple [...]

Jewellery Remodelling gets the personal touch

The jewellery remodelling trend continues to drive sales. There was a time when having a piece of jewellery hand-crafted especially for you was the preserve of the rich. Personalised jewellery has been the ‘next big thing’ for some time now and industry experts see no sign of the demand slowing down. co-owner of Ace Jewellery, Edward Peters comments on what this trend means for independent jewellery retailers. Mass [...]

2023-06-06T08:04:44+00:0015 March 2012|Jewellery, Jewellery Remodelling, Services|2 Comments

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